Forging integral peace: CUMIPAZ presents Declaration Panama 2017Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

Forging integral peace: CUMIPAZ presents Declaration Panama 2017

The first document of the proposals resulting from the work of CUMIPAZ, focused on peace, security and sustainability, was read in the Parlatino.

New Human Rights Office to Empower the International Criminal CourtGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace
“Paz y Democracia en América Latina”

New Human Rights Office to Empower the International Criminal Court

See Gallery 

Session of CUMIPAZ 2017-Panama, focuses on working for universal justice and democracy.

Vivian González is the new ALIUP Pro-tempore SecretariatGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace
Questions and answers | Table 1 - Educational Session, CUMIPAZ 2017
The Chair for Peace, from CUMIPAZ to the worldGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

The Chair for Peace, from CUMIPAZ to the world

See Gallery 

The presentation was made to Ministers, Vice Ministers, Secretaries of Education and rectors of universities from different countries.

"Education in values, main instrument to create men of peace", Dr. William Soto Santiago