Welcome dinner for the lecturers and guests of the CSR SessionGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace
William Soto: "Articulating efforts to achieve a better world"
Mensaje William Soto

William Soto: "Articulating efforts to achieve a better world"

The Executive President of the GEAP, William Soto, addessed the opening message of the 3rd CUMIPAZ, and the Session of Science for the Preservation of Life

World-wide work for the preservation of life beginsGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

World-wide work for the preservation of life begins

See Gallery 

CUMIPAZ 2017 began its activities with the Session: Science for the preservation of the life of Mother Earth and of the human being, in the hemicycle of the Latin American Parliament, in Panama City, Panama.

2017 Peace Integration Summit is celebrated at the ParlatinoGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace
Parlamento Latinoamericano

2017 Peace Integration Summit is celebrated at the Parlatino

See Gallery 

More than 100 authorities, leaders and personalities from America, Europe, Africa and Israel, will participate in CUMIPAZ 2017.

Panama City Hall welcomes CUMIPAZ 2017Global Embassy of Activists for Peace
Ponentes e invitados

Panama City Hall welcomes CUMIPAZ 2017

See Gallery 

CUMIPAZ brings music for peace to the children of the Malambo Home in PanamaGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

CUMIPAZ brings music for peace to the children of the Malambo Home in Panama

See Gallery 

The GEAP presented a symphonic concert and educational activity as part of the programming of CUMIPAZ 2017.