The beginning of CUMIPAZ 2017-Panama is announcedGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

The beginning of CUMIPAZ 2017-Panama is announced

Panama  |  Press Conference
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The Chair for Peace and the creation of a network of political leaders will be the main topics

The third edition of the Peace Integration Summit – CUMIPAZ 2017, that will be held in Panama City from October 16thto the 21st, at the Parlatino headquarters, was presented through a press conference at the Grand Sheraton Panama.

The international event counts with the support of the Chancellery of the nation, the Ministry of the Presidency, the National Assembly, the Ministers of Education, Environment and Public Safety, the Panama Canal Authority, the Tourism Authority, and the City Hall of Panama.

In the course of the conference, the director general of the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP), Gabriela Lara, announced that during CUMIPAZ 2017, the Chair for Peace will be presented, as a result of the proposals given last year in Paraguay 2016. Lara explained that the chair is the product of the work of more than 300 universities from different countries, aimed at an integral education for peace.

She stated that another central topic to be discussed is corruption at a political level, aimed at presenting proposals regarding the formation of a network of political leaders by integrally creating the Council of the Forgers for Peace.

“The Summit focuses on presenting constructive contributions, proposals that contribute to the peace of the human being and of the nations. From here in Panama, we will work to transform the current situation of the world”, she said.

The coordinator of the GEAP in Panama, Ariel Cerrud, said, “With this event, we have the assurance peace in Panama is a State issue”. He highlighted that the support of Government organizations has been extensive.

It was also informed at the press conference that CUMIPAZ will hold a special event at the Hogar San José de Malambo, this Friday, October 13, at 9:00 am, with the participation of the GEAP Symphony Orchestra that will bring joy to children through music for peace.

The summit sessions will be broadcasted live from the official website and their Facebook account @globalembassyofactivists. Different countries will be connected to the event.


CUMIPAZ Peace Integration Summit