Corporate Social Responsibility Session


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Raise awareness in the business sector on the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), based on values and principles, as an effective way to address social issues and the sustainability of Mother Earth, for the strengthening of peace and happiness of the integral human being and of the nations.

Specific Objectives

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    Highlight the importance of organizations to decisively get involved in including CSR within their mission, institutional values and business strategies.
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    Exchange positive practices in the CSR field, by introducing businesses that have been models of such practices, and business leaders that have accomplished to successfully unite the productivity of the business with CSR, improving the quality of life of their employees, the community and also, by contributing to the sustainable development, in harmony with Mother Earth.
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    Make recommendations and concerted proposals, in order to generate a commitment that will be included in the CUMIPAZ-2017 Panama Declaration.


CEO's of national and international business, CSR managers, foundations and business associations and professionals related to CSR, professional CSR associations and international business associations.



Keynote speeches, exhibition of successful cases (CSR models), discussions and workshops.


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    Holistic approach to Corporate Social Responsibility towards happiness.
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    Ethical leadership for generating responsible plans to build a greener, more inclusive and peaceful world.
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    Alignment of the business strategic plans with the SDG’s and the new standards of Global Reporting Initiative, for the generation of social information.
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    Smart cities: responsible consumption and production.
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    The partnerships in Corporate Social Responsibility: a tool for the achievement of Sustainable Development and for the construction of peace.