Commemoration activities in honor of the victims of the Holocaust
encendido velas

Commemoration activities in honor of the victims of the Holocaust

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During this act, the commemorative plaque of survivors Edgar Wildfeuer and Ceslada Eisen de Keselman were exhibited.

Commemoration activities in honor of the victims of the HolocaustGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Commemoration activities in honor of the victims of the Holocaust

During this act, the commemorative plaque of survivors Edgar Wildfeuer and Ceslada Eisen de Keselman were exhibited.

Indigenous peoples in Argentina participated in the GEAP Consultation Meeting
Lideres indígenas.

Indigenous peoples in Argentina participated in the GEAP Consultation Meeting

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Volunteers of the GEAP gathered in Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires, together with the members of the "Kumelen Newen Mapu" Community.

5th Consultation Meeting: Proposals in favor of indigenous peopleGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

5th Consultation Meeting: Proposals in favor of indigenous people

At the encounter, the Inter-American Environmental Charter and the proposals that emerged during the previous Encounters of the Children of Mother Earth were presented.

Indigenous peoples attend GEAP consultation meetingsGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Indigenous peoples attend GEAP consultation meetings

The 2nd, 3rd and 4th Meeting of Consultation with the indigenous peoples of Argentina. 

International launch OSEMAP