Colombia approved 180 resolutions for the protection of the environmentGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Colombia approved 180 resolutions for the protection of the environment

Activists for peace in Colombia, presented in 96 municipalities the work carried out by the GEAP in favor of Mother Earth.

University Alliance supports the Proclamation for the Peace of Mother EarthGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace
Mayors of Brazil issue decrees for the rights of Mother EarthGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace
Asamblea funcionarios Acre

Mayors of Brazil issue decrees for the rights of Mother Earth

See Gallery 

The GEAP received 14 decrees that support the Proclamation of the Constitution of the Rights of Mother Earth.

Peru | Mayors confer agreements and resolutions to the GEAPGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace
Luis Ricardo Aquino

Peru | Mayors confer agreements and resolutions to the GEAP

See Gallery 

Mexico│60 mayors pronounce in favor of Mother EarthGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Mexico│60 mayors pronounce in favor of Mother Earth

Activists presented environmental proposal of the GEAP to Mexican authorities for the recognition of Mother Earth as a living being.

Four resolutions approved in Ecuador supporting mother earth
promocion proclama madre tierra Ecuador

Four resolutions approved in Ecuador supporting mother earth

reorder See News >


Activists for peace met with municipal authorities to present the International Children of Mother Earth Program.

Mayors of Guatemala issue 15 resolutions for a safe environmentGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Mayors of Guatemala issue 15 resolutions for a safe environment

See Gallery 

The Rural University 081 Headquarters of San Marcos also supports the environmental proposal for the recognition of Mother Earth as a living being.

United States│ Mayors join the GEAP approachGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace
firma proclama Congreso Estados Unidos

United States│ Mayors join the GEAP approach

See Gallery 

The GEAP presented the environmental proposal before the municipal authorities for the recognition of Mother Earth as a living being.

Save the Earth! International Environmental ProclamationGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Save the Earth! International Environmental Proclamation

During the celebration, the Proclamation of Constitution of the Rights of Mother Earth was read in the middle of diverse activities that included environmental stops, forums, parades, recovery of natural spaces, among others.