Donate Blood | Panama students get ready to save livesGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Donate Blood | Panama students get ready to save lives

The volunteers of the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) in Panama, on May 27 and 28, socialized the Communication Education Program for the Formation of a Culture of Voluntary, Altruist and Regular Safe Blood Donation (PEC LIFE), in the Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology.

Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

For the respect of the cultural identity of the afro descendant, palenquera and raizal communities

The GEAP and the House of Culture "Graciela Salgado" carry out the first Circle of the Word in San Basilio de Palenque with 60 municipal councilors from Afro-descendant communities.

Saltillo educational institutions sign agreement with the GEAPGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Saltillo educational institutions sign agreement with the GEAP

Law professionals presented various topics in the 1st judicial forum, where educational institutions signed an agreement with the GEAP.

Daniel Rafecas

PhD in Administrative Law at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Specialist in Constitutional Law Center for Constitutional Studies Madrid.

Professor of Administrative Law at the University Escuela Libre de Derecho. Professor of the Doctorate Program in Ibero-American Administrative Law coordinated by the University of La Coruña with 10 universities in Ibero-America and Professor of the PhD program in Law at the Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED).

Claudio Zin

Claudio Zin is known mainly for his medical contributions in numerous television programs. He arrived in Argentina at age 5 and returned with his family to Italy at 15, to live in Milan, until he finally settled in the country.

He was a graphic consultant for El Cronista Comercial.

He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the UBA in 1969, then specialized in the branches of Nephrology, Internal Medicine and Legal Medicine.

Carlos Edwar Osorio

Lawyer of the University of Caldas. During his stay as a student of the Faculty of Law, he was elected student representative of the faculty before the CEUC - Student Council of the University of Caldas-

Decana Universidad

Justice for Peace Forum at the Rey Juan Carlos University Madrid

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Madrid fue el escenario para la realización del Foro Judicial Internacional “Nuevas Propuestas para la Prevención y la Sanción del Delito de Genocidio

Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

Against impunity: Spain opens spaces of discussion on universal justice

The International Judicial Forum of the GEAP was held in Spain to discuss universal justice and the struggle against impunity.