The Northeast National University presented the gallery “The Holocaust”Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

The Northeast National University presented the gallery “The Holocaust”

The photo gallery "The Holocaust", that took place at UNNE, counted with the presence of government authorities, students and GEAP.

Venezuelans carry out marathons in defense of Mother EarthGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Venezuelans carry out marathons in defense of Mother Earth

Hundreds of students received awareness talks about Mother Earth’s care and conservation from April 17-22.

Uruguayans celebrate the life of Mother EarthGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Uruguayans celebrate the life of Mother Earth

With the reading of the Proclamation of the Constitution of the Rights of Mother Earth, volunteers of the GEAP in Uruguay celebrated the life of Mother Earth.

Panama | Government authorities receive environmental proposalGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Panama | Government authorities receive environmental proposal

With various activities, the GEAP celebrated International Mother Earth Day and socialized environmental proposal with government authorities.

Activists for Peace give talks on behalf of Mother Earth

Activists for Peace give talks on behalf of Mother Earth

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With educational talks, the GEAP in Brazil celebrated International Mother Earth Day and National Indian Day.

In Brazil: Citizens declare themselves Guardians of Mother EarthGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

In Brazil: Citizens declare themselves Guardians of Mother Earth

With educational talks, the GEAP in Brazil celebrated International Mother Earth Day and National Indian Day.