1303 Argentinian solidary marathons stock blood banksGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

1303 Argentinian solidary marathons stock blood banks

1303 people donated the sap of life in the blood drive organized by the GEAP; this action stocks the blood banks in Argentina.

Guatemala | Forum to strengthen the administration of justiceGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Guatemala | Forum to strengthen the administration of justice

The GEAP holds a judicial forum to strengthen the administration of Justice and promote the respect for human dignity. 

In Mexico: Tabasco students attend the "Environmental Culture" eventGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

In Mexico: Tabasco students attend the "Environmental Culture" event

The GEAP held the Environmental Culture event to raise awareness among the student community about the need to protect the environment.

Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

Fraternization Dinner Conference for Peace with Indigenous Leaders in the World

The GEAP, FILAC, and the CICA organized a conference dinner in the ONE UN installations in New York to create bonds of cooperation.

Three environmental proposals to save the life of Mother EarthGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace
presentación de la tipificación del delito de ecocidio

Three environmental proposals to save the life of Mother Earth

The Global Embassy of Activists for Peace presents three proposals aimed at the environmental governance and justice on Earth Day.

The GEAP is present during the UN Permanent Forum of Indigenous Issues Global Embassy of Activists for Peace