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2356 Elements of News, Videos, Galleries and Speeches.

The GEAP commemorates the anniversary in different cities of Brazil, carrying out activities in order to attract more anonymous heroes.
Dominican Republic | access_time June 14 2017
GEAP volunteers in the Dominican Republic celebrate World Blood Donor Day and recognize the work of anonymous heroes.
International | access_time June 13 2017
In Latin America, Spain and the US, the GEAP developed educational and recovery days of green spaces in response to the environmental crisis.
480 children from the Libya State School received a talk from GEAP on the importance of environmental care.
International | access_time June 09 2017
desfile ambiental
Con charlas y desfiles ambientales, Voluntarios de la EMAP en Ecuador sensibilizan sobre el cuidado y protección de la Madre Tierra
3,354 people including students, teachers and citizenship in general participated in educational talks on the 5R given by the GEAP.
Foro Judicial
  The Hall of Honor of the Municipality of Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, place the of IV National Judicial Forum "Human Dignity, Presumption of Innocence and DH"