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2356 Elements of News, Videos, Galleries and Speeches.

justicia y paz
Representatives from governmental institutions address issues of national and international conjuncture in the 2nd National Judicial Forum in Peru.
Called upon by the GEAP, the Police Academy of the Tabasco State gathered academics, policemen, and cadets during the Judicial Forum.
Mexico | access_time May 31 2017
The municipal palace of Xalapa opens its doors to the Integral Program of Blood Donation: Life is in the Blood.
Guatemala | access_time May 30 2017
Intervención en el foro
The GEAP holds the 3rd National Judicial Forum to strengthen the administration of justice for peace.
 The GEAP signed agreements with different institutions of Tamaulipas in order to promote a voluntary blood donation culture.  
The GEAP in Peru brings together different indigenous communities to celebrate the International Day of Indigenous Peoples.
The volunteers of the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) in Panama, on May 27 and 28, socialized the Communication Education Program for the Formation of a Culture of Voluntary, Altruist...
Dominican Republic | access_time May 26 2017
Educational activities in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, promote the protection of Mother Earth, and the defense and practice of human rights.