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The topic of the second panel during the Diplomatic, Political and Parliamentary Session of CUMIPAZ pursued, what may be the fundamental principles to reach peace and happiness of the human being...
“The role of the States for the strengthening of peace and integral happiness of the human being and the nations” was the central topic of the Diplomatic, Parliamentary and Political Session, which...
The third workshop table of the Educational Session of CUMIPAZ 2015, yielded important results. The conclusions demonstrated that current academic life of youths is immersed in their role in...
Chile | access_time November 06 2015
Education for peace is the common goal that brought together rectors, deans, professors and academic authorities in America and Europe in the former Congress of the Republic of Chile, for the...
The Educational Session of the CUMIPAZ Chile 2015 presented the conclusions of the central proposals of the four worktables, conformed of academic authorities, professors of...
The first working table of the Educational Session CUMIPAZ Chile 2015, focused its analysis and proposals on the topic of "Higher Education and the Challenge of quality...
In an effort to provide a space for dialogue, presentation and analysis of proposals which are aimed towards the improvement and well-being of the human family, based on the global objectives of a...
Chile | access_time November 04 2015
The Judicial Session of CUMIPAZ 2015 continued its deliberations on a topic which is becoming increasingly relevant in the foreign policy of many countries, and it refers to the role that the...
Authorities and personalities of important trajectory in the judicial field reaffirmed their commitment to promote justice for national and international peace, through proposals and analysis...
CUMIPAZ (Chile 2015) gave way with the judicial session, for the promotion of an international justice constructed on truth in the framework of human dignity and fundamental rights, a justice for...
Chile | access_time November 04 2015
“Together will we reflect and become stronger, because we have the same goal: peace for the human family.” Those were the words Dr. William Soto Santiago expressed during the opening of the Peace...
The Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) offers a Welcome Dinner to all the personalities and authorities of America and Europe, who are participating in the first ...