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931 News.

Voluntarios de EMAP unidos, trabajan en diferentes provincias sensibilizando a la población sobre la donación voluntaria de sangre.
An important event took place in the Governors Hall, installation of the Government of Valle del Cauca, in the city of Cali - Colombia, on November 20th, 2015.
In a meeting called “National Day for the Rights of Mother Earth,” the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) gathered representatives of the municipal government, Corantioquia, and the...
At the Tayrona Palace facilities in the city of Santa Martha, Colombian Republic, political, judicial, pro-curatorial authorities, representatives of the INPEC, prosecutors, judges, journalists and...
The Environmental Movement “Guardians for the Peace of Mother Earth” of the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP), was presented before different personalities in the governmental and...
Educative institutions and the general community responded to the call to become voluntary, altruist and regular safe blood donors.  
Argentina | access_time November 08 2015
November 9th, was declared the National Voluntary Blood Donor Day in Argentina, in commemoration of Dr. Luis Agote, who practiced for the first time, in the year 1914, the...
Chile | access_time November 06 2015
We, citizens of the world, participants of the Peace Integration Summit, CUMIPAZ, initiative carried out by the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace, from November 3rd to the 7th, 2015, in...
The Peace Integration Summit ended its sessions with the reading of the Chile CUMIPAZ 2015 Declaration, headed by the CEO of the Global Embassy of Activists for...
At the Diplomatic, Parliamentary and Political Session of the Peace Integration Summit CUMIPAZ Chile 2015, the key topic was "Dialogue and negotiation as fundamental tools...
Chile | access_time November 06 2015
During the last session of CUMIPAZ 2015, the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace, counted with the presence of women with a great political trajectory in their respective countries, who developed...