The GEAP gathered in the Antiochian capital of Colombia, the reflection for the care to Mother Earth and the wisdom of the native peoplesGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

The GEAP gathered in the Antiochian capital of Colombia, the reflection for the care to Mother Earth and the wisdom of the native peoples


In a meeting called “National Day for the Rights of Mother Earth,” the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) gathered representatives of the municipal government, Corantioquia, and the government of the indigenous peoples of the department, On November 19, 2015, at the University of Antioquia in Medellin, Antioquia.

The event organized in two work tables was attended by Dr. William Soto Santiago, executive president; Ivan Sarmiento, GEAP coordinator in Colombia; Congressman Ruben Dario Naranjo and Dr. Luz Marina Betancourt on behalf of CORPORINOQUIA, entity in charge of executing policies, plans, programs and projects related to environmental issues within the territory of Antioquia.

Proposals for the rights of Mother Earth, environmental ethical principles and political commitment

The GEAP, led by its executive president, presented to the audience the exposition of reasons why it is important for the Institution to recognize Mother Earth as a living being, the proposals that it proposes before different organizations and national and international organizations for the restoration of her rights.

The proposals were summarized in three specific topics: A new Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth, the Framework Law on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Ecocide and the Latin American and Caribbean pact for the protection of Mother Earth. At the end of his speech, he called for reflection and for the active participation of all levels of society, in order to defend these rights and to support the initiatives that are being advanced for the benefit of all human beings.

“It is a commitment of the nations. Sow positive actions to reap positive results.”

For her part, Dr. Luz Marina Betancourt pointed out that the focus on the environment is not the approach that was being considered, and that it is circumscribed in terms of the ecological. She insisted that the environment has become more important and is discussed with a broader view where nature, nature with man and nature with culture is articulated.

He insisted that nature cannot be measured with the clock that is used to measure the hour of the western man:

“We measure nature according to the calculations we as human beings create about nature, but we never think what a butterfly needs to live for only one day and do all of its life’s exercise, including procreation.”

For the deputy of Antioquia, it is necessary to support and welcome these initiatives and was prepared from his position in the department, to work for the benefit of programs and projects that benefit the environment in which human beings develop. He presented Medellin as a city with development and quality of life that respects and preserves the environment.

Ancestral wisdom at the service of humanity

Within the “National Day for the Rights of Mother Earth,” the representation of the indigenous peoples had an important participation. The panelists presented proposals aimed at showing their concern about the need to transmit their knowledge to present and future generations. Mrs. Hilda Domico of the Cabildo Chibkariwaak pointed out that it is necessary to question how to convey the connection between human beings and Mother Nature and that man is called to sow in others the love for Mother Earth.

The governors of the indigenous peoples of the Cabildo Caivar and the Cabildo Santa Tierra presented to Dr. William Soto their proposals of inclusion in environmental issues and pointed to unity, territory, autonomy, culture and peace as pillars of their spiritual relationship with Mother Earth.

“We know how to maintain our social order in our territory, its internal policy and its uses. We want the ancestral regulations to be recognized before all institutions in order to have a parity of discussion with the state entities.”


access_time Thursday, November 19, 2015