Argentinians celebrated the National Voluntary Blood Donor Day Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

Argentinians celebrated the National Voluntary Blood Donor Day

November 9th, was declared the National Voluntary Blood Donor Day in Argentina, in commemoration of Dr. Luis Agote, who practiced for the first time, in the year 1914, the technique of blood transfusion. According to the law 25,936, which expresses that it is important to create awareness in the population to include this practice as a regular, voluntary, solidary and anonymous act, destined for the benefit of those who need it.
The Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP), joined to the celebration of this day which remembers the importance of the blood donation for society, since this liquid cannot be fabricated. Organizations such as the Instituto Superior Sarmiento, Agrupación No Me Olvides, PAMI, Iglesia Adventista, Secretaría de Deporte Provincial, Ministerio de Salud of Chaco, participated in this celebration.

With recreational activities celebrating the Donor Day

The cities of Cordoba, Olavarría, Mar del Plata, Mendoza and Resistencia, celebrated this day with solidary marathons, carrying out activities from November 5th to the 9th, 2015, where the drive was delighted with cultural acts such as puppetry, games and activities for children, parents and the public in general, which demonstrated the importance of voluntary, altruist and regular blood donation.


Likewise, the Hemotherapy Center of Mar del Plata joined this festivity, together with the volunteers of the GEAP, which informed the citizens of this zone through brochures, on the act of donating blood.

At the same time, the Marathon “Today we run for blood donation” was carried out in Chaco, together with the Hemotherapy Center of the Perrando Hospital.