Realization day of Otzolotepec awarenessGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Realization day of Otzolotepec awareness

The Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) in Mexico, through the Integral Program “Life is in the Blood”, held a day of awareness, this April 28, 2016, in the municipality of Otzolotepec.

Seventh International Marathon increase their figures from volunteer donors increases in SonoraGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Seventh International Marathon increase their figures from volunteer donors increases in Sonora

At the University of Sonora, Nogales Campus (UNISON), on April 14, 2016, the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) held a day of blood donation in alliance with the State Blood Transfusion Center (CETS).

Judicial Forum in Xalapa, Mexico under the topic of human dignity, presumption of innocence and human rightsGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Judicial Forum in Xalapa, Mexico under the topic of human dignity, presumption of innocence and human rights

The GEAP, along wit educational institutions who identify with the international purpose of a more accessible and effective justice, held the judicial forum "Human Dignity, Presumption of Innocence and Human Rights."

The State of Chihuahua donates blood, donates life.Global Embassy of Activists for Peace
Activists for peace carry out blood drives in Monterrey

Activists for peace carry out blood drives in Monterrey

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Con la implementación del Programa Educativo Comunicacional aumentan las cifras de donantes voluntarios

Activists for peace carry out blood drives in MonterreyGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Activists for peace carry out blood drives in Monterrey

The Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) in Monterrey, Mexico, on April 8, 11 and 12, 2016, within the framework of the Integral Program “Life is in the Blood” held awareness and registration in different branches of the company Home Depot and in the University of the Valley of Mexico (UVM) and Campus Monterrey Norte.