Municipal governments of Ecuador grant 11 resolutions to the GEAPGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Municipal governments of Ecuador grant 11 resolutions to the GEAP

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Municipal Autonomous Decentralized Governments of Ecuador approved 11 resolutions in support of the Proclamation of the Constitution of the Rights of Mother Earth, proposal presented by the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) to the Organization of American States (OAS).

From June to September 2018, peace activists met with municipal authorities to present the International Children of Mother Earth Program and to socialize ethical-legal documents for the protection of the environment.

The events were attended by municipal authorities of Puerto Quito, Quinsaloma, Francisco de Orellana, Santo Domingo, Alausí, Chimborazo, Guayas and Los Ríos, in which members of civil society also participated. (See: List of municipal authorities that issued Resolutions).

The representatives of the different town halls together with the councilors, members of the Department of the Environment and the departmental directors, formally adopted the Proclamation of the Constitution of the Rights of Mother Earth, a document that discloses and promotes the recognition of Mother Earth as a being alive.