Actions for the preservation of human life, proposed in CUMIPAZGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Actions for the preservation of human life, proposed in CUMIPAZ

Science Session / Panama  |  Table 6
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Table 6

In CUMIPAZ 2017-Panama, the 6th table of the Session: Science for the Preservation of Life of Mother Earth and of the Human Being, focused its theme on Quality and responsible food production to guarantee life.

During the work day, the presentations focused on the implementation of techniques for agricultural excellence, indigenous peoples' vision for the restitution of ancestral food and nutrition as an elementary science for life.

Four lecturers participated in the table, one of them, David Proenza, who spoke on strengthening the circle between agriculture, nutrition, health, and education, as a teaching method to improve agricultural processes, since this sector has increased the use pesticides, herbicides, and chemicals that are harmful to human health.

Likewise, Proenza presented his venture: Vertical Farm, a project that uses technology and innovation for food production; computers, sensors, and software, control the entire production process and quality.

On the other hand, Magda Pinzón, member of the Latin American and Caribbean Association of Food Science and Technology stressed the importance of ancestral foods. "All the tubers are essential foods because they are the ones that filled our ancestors with vitality," she said.

Oscar Bastidas, Taita governor, said that to talk about food among indigenous peoples is as essential as talking about education. He said:

"The academy has taught us poorly, it is more important to know when Christopher Columbus arrived than to know how many indigenous peoples there are ... We have been taught that there are flavors, salt and sugar, but they have not taught us a third flavor, the transmission of knowledge.”




CUMIPAZ Peace Integration Summit