Sempris: Meteorological events make us rethink the development modelGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Sempris: Meteorological events make us rethink the development model

Science Session / Panama  |  Featured
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The Minister of the Environment of Panama spoke on the role of the native peoples in the management of natural resources

At the opening ceremony of the Session: Science for the Preservation of the Life of Mother Earth and of the human being, of CUMIPAZ 2017-Panama, Emilio Sempris, Minister of the Environment of the Republic of Panama, spoke on the management of natural resources and about the adverse effects of climate change.

He mentioned that in the period 2015-2016, the phenomenon "El Niño" caused a major environmental impact in Latin America, and that this year "with the significant number of extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, makes us rethink the development model."

From his knowledge, Sempris expressed:

"The reality is that no developing country is prepared for the adverse effects of climate change; and there are some who argue that developed countries are prepared, and my position as a technician is that they are not prepared either.”


Emilio Sempris
Minister in charge of Environment - Panama.

He also indicated that there are currently serious deforestation situations and problems with water resources management, which in turn have generated a significant number of social conflicts.

He emphasized dialogue as a fundamental tool for advancing the process of peaceful development, and emphasized working together with indigenous peoples; he mentioned Panama's Environmental Law 8, which requires all planners to coordinate closely with the indigenous peoples and to obtain the necessary, free, and informed consent for development.

For the minister, the environmental agreements executed with the indigenous peoples since the year 1970, have gradually incorporated the ancestral vision, however, he notes that there is still work to be done to incorporate it effectively in the negotiation processes of multilateral environmental agreements.

"Peace is multidimensional, multicultural, peace is diverse; and we hope that, within the framework of this Summit, our peoples will come much closer to achieving these necessary exchanges and to send that clear message to the whole planet about the role of indigenous peoples in the management of our natural resources and in the peace processes," concluded Sempris.


CUMIPAZ Peace Integration Summit