Scientific and ancestral contributions for the welfare of mankindGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Scientific and ancestral contributions for the welfare of mankind

Science Session / Panama  |  Table 5
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In order to recognize indigenous scientific, technological and ancestral knowledge as a powerful instrument in the fundamental pillars of society for the well-being of humanity and Mother Earth, the fifth parallel table of the Science Session was held in the Peace Integration Summit.

The researcher and scientist, Ángel Sánchez was in charge of presenting the panelists who developed their papers under the theme Scientific and ancestral contributions for the preservation of human life.

The president of the 16th Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues of the United Nations, Mariam Wallet, began with the cycle of presentations under the theme "Ancestral medicine, science, and technology for the preservation of life."

Wallet said that it is important to value the knowledge of indigenous peoples to achieve the care of Mother Earth and other living things. Respect the intellectual property of indigenous peoples' knowledge of traditional medicine.

In addition, make products derived from traditional medicine accessible so that the most vulnerable have better access to care; and work on plants and other products used in traditional care to determine side effects in order to improve their use.

Arturo Solis of the Human Photosynthesis Research Center of Mexico, during his dissertation, mentioned that melanin delivers hydrogen to the body because it has therapeutic properties. In addition, he affirmed that within the human body biochemical and photo-electro-chemical processes occur that generate energy.

 "The evolution of nutrition and supplementation to improve the quality of human life" was the subject given by the scientific director of 4Life Research, David Vollmer who referenced the importance of consuming food necessary to be healthy.

In conclusion, the experts pointed out that it is necessary to re-educate the population regarding life habits, which will allow people to enjoy good health. 


CUMIPAZ Peace Integration Summit