An environmental commitment was promoted in Paraguay for the commemoration of the International Day of Mother EarthGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

An environmental commitment was promoted in Paraguay for the commemoration of the International Day of Mother Earth

With the commitment of taking action in favor of Mother Earth, the Activists for Peace in Paraguay developed restoration and environmental education marathons in the Central Department, from April 19 through 22; activities carried out in commemoration of the International Mother Earth Day, which involved thousands of citizens who took environmental commitment with the protection and restoration of the common home.

14 Universities come together in the First Seminar of the ALIUP carried out in PanamaGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

14 Universities come together in the First Seminar of the ALIUP carried out in Panama

At the Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology (UMECIT), under the project ALIUP, the First International Seminar "Challenges of Higher Education for Human and Society Development", was carried out. 

Seventh International Marathon increase their figures from volunteer donors increases in SonoraGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Seventh International Marathon increase their figures from volunteer donors increases in Sonora

At the University of Sonora, Nogales Campus (UNISON), on April 14, 2016, the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) held a day of blood donation in alliance with the State Blood Transfusion Center (CETS).

Judicial Forum in Xalapa, Mexico under the topic of human dignity, presumption of innocence and human rightsGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Judicial Forum in Xalapa, Mexico under the topic of human dignity, presumption of innocence and human rights

The GEAP, along wit educational institutions who identify with the international purpose of a more accessible and effective justice, held the judicial forum "Human Dignity, Presumption of Innocence and Human Rights."

The State of Chihuahua donates blood, donates life.Global Embassy of Activists for Peace
First International ALIUP Seminar in BoliviaGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

First International ALIUP Seminar in Bolivia

Within the framework of the objectives proposed by the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace through the International Alliance of Universities for Peace - ALIUP, the First International Seminar was held in Bolivia focused on the “Challenges of Higher Education In Human Development and Society - Values ​​in the Development of Professional Competences” on April 7, 2016 in Santa Cruz de la Sierra.