New Mexico pays homage to Holocaust survivors as part of the Project “Traces to Remember.”Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

New Mexico pays homage to Holocaust survivors as part of the Project “Traces to Remember.”

The Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) in collaboration with the State of New Mexico, USA, the Consulate General of Israel and the New Mexico Human Rights Project led the Commemoration for the Holocaust Victims on May 5th, 2016 in the Capitol of the city of Santa Fe, as part of the Project “Traces to Remember”, which aims to keep alive the testimony of the Holocaust survivors and transmit unto present and future generations the universal lessons of that unfortunate event.

Projection of Transitional Justice for a Peaceful Colombia in the Forum "Human Dignity, Presumption of Innocence and Human Rights"Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

Projection of Transitional Justice for a Peaceful Colombia in the Forum "Human Dignity, Presumption of Innocence and Human Rights"

In the Auditorium Pablo Oliveros Marmolejo, in the city of Valledupar, the GEAP  in association with the Law Program of the Fundacion Universitaria del Area Andina carried out the Forum “Human Dignity, Presumption of Innocence and Human Rights,” with more than 200 attendees, including students from the Universidad del Area Andina, lawyers, professionals from different disciplines, personnel from the public force, members of the Victims Unit and the Mayor of Valledupar.

Jewish community of Mexico City commemorated the victims of the HolocaustGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Jewish community of Mexico City commemorated the victims of the Holocaust

The Global Embassy of Activists for Peace, special guest of the Jewish community to the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust in Mexico City, where a space for the memory of the six million victims was inaugurated.

The Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon joins to the altruist blood donation Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

The Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon joins to the altruist blood donation

Volunteers of the GEAP, along with the CETS, held a blood drive at the Mechanic and Electric Engineering Faculties of the Autnomous University of Nuevo Leon (UANL).

7 Argentinian cities spread the 7th International Blood Drive MarathonGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace