7 Argentinian cities spread the 7th International Blood Drive MarathonGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

7 Argentinian cities spread the 7th International Blood Drive Marathon


During May, the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) carried out different media campaigns in Argentina, with the purpose of inviting the people to demonstrate their solidarity and love for others joining to the 7th International Blood Drive Marathon, which is part of the Integral Program “Life is in the Blood”.

The activities were held in touristic areas and crowded establishments in Mendoza, Olavarria, Cordoba, Resistencia, Misiones, San Fernando and Azul, with the goal of obtaining a bigger participation from the citizens to maintain the blood banks stocked.

With much joy and enthusiasm, Argentinians received information to become a part of a culture that donates blood voluntarily, regularly and altruistically.

Entities that joined to the altruist work

The donations and diffusions were developed with the participation of entities such as the Regional Center of Hemotherapy of Mendoza, the Youth PRO of Luján of Cuyo-Mendoza, the Hemotherapy Sector of the Municipal Hospital “Dr. Hector Cura” of Olavarria, the Municipal Hemocenter of Cordoba, the Perrando Hospital of Resistencia, the Blood Bank of Misiones, the Posadas Hospital of Buenos Aires, The Red Cross of San Fernando and the group PAMI “Don’t Forget Me” of the city of Azul.

The lifeguard of Juanita

Promoting the love for life and the respect for human dignity, is one of the objectives of the Integral Program “Life is in the Blood”; this is why through the story “The lifeguard of Juanita”, the volunteers of the GEAP and the group PAMI “Don’t Forget Me”, made aware 108 students of the School N° 28 of Azul, about the importance of donating blood.