The GEAP in Argentina conducts awareness blood drives for the benefit of societyGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

The GEAP in Argentina conducts awareness blood drives for the benefit of society

With awareness days on voluntary blood donation, the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) in Córdoba, Argentina, closes its activities for the year 2015.
Under the Integral Program "Life is in the Blood", the GEAP volunteers informed hundreds of citizens about the 7th International Blood Drive Marathon that will take place from January 2016.
In the surroundings of the Central Blood Bank Foundation the blood drive was held that allowed the inhabitants of Córdoba to know about this altruistic service that aims to keep the blood banks of the province supplied.
The GEAP through this intervention program proposes a socio-cultural contribution based on the principle of love for life; and promotes solidarity, respect for human dignity, improvement of the quality of life, social justice, peace and integral happiness among the human family.
For the year 2016, the GEAP aims to implement the Communication Education Program (PEC LIFE), to raise awareness of voluntary, altruistic and regular donation of safe blood, aimed at the family, community, educational and organizational.
The community received the invitation of the Activists for Peace to join this solidarity campaign that benefits the human family, joining a list of people who from 2016 will become heroes of society.