In Argentina, training GEAP volunteers on Blood Donation is a fundamental taskGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

In Argentina, training GEAP volunteers on Blood Donation is a fundamental task

In the city of Resistencia, Argentina, a workshop on blood donation was given within the project “Life is in the Blood, which continues to be an essential work for the volunteers of the GEAP, thus facilitating more knowledge, which integrally benefits the activists for Peace. 

Cities of the U.S.A. participated in the First Educational Forum: Blood Drive UniversityGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Cities of the U.S.A. participated in the First Educational Forum: Blood Drive University

Coordinators and Activists of the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) from different cities of U.S.A., such as Austin, Boston, Dallas, San Marcos, Oklahoma, among others, were present in Houston, Texas, on May 21, 2015, during the First Educational Forum: “Blood Drive University” under the project “Life is in the Blood”, promoted by the GEAP and the installations of Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center, with the purpose of becoming recruitment professionals in blood donors, in health and marketing techniques, with new ideas and motivation, in order to consider blood donation as a solidary, civic, responsible and regular act, that contributes towards guaranteeing safe, available good quality blood to each person that needs it.

The University of Texas at El Paso hosted the University Forums, “The Holocaust, Paradigm of Genocide” Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

The University of Texas at El Paso hosted the University Forums, “The Holocaust, Paradigm of Genocide”

On May 20th, 2015, the University of Texas at El Paso hosted the University Forums, “The Holocaust, Paradigm of Genocide” and unveiled the Traces to Remember plaque containing the palm prints of Holocaust survivor, Mr. David Kaplan. 

619 units of blood for the health of the population in ChileGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

619 units of blood for the health of the population in Chile

It is vital for any Chilean community or any community of the World to count with stocked blood banks. By obtaining 619 effective blood units, during the last blood donation marathons in Chile, the social responsibility acquired by the population is evident.

The Armed Forces of Colombia receive Education for PeaceGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

The Armed Forces of Colombia receive Education for Peace

More than 1,100 Colombian Army soldiers attended the 3rd National Judicial Forum at the headquarters of the Centro de Educación Militar in Bogotá, sponsored by the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) in the framework of “Justice for Peace.”

II Judicial Forum in Colombia EDUCATION FOR PEACE IN THE POST-CONFLICT STAGEGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace


It takes an education for peace in the reconciliation process. In this way, opportunities for discussion and reflection are opened in the Second National Judicial Forum "Human Dignity, Presumption of Innocence and Human Rights" in Colombia, organized by the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP).

“Humanity's commitment with the Rights of our Mother Earth”

“Humanity's commitment with the Rights of our Mother Earth”

MOTHER EARTH WAS BORN FREE, we, humans, did not create her, we were created by her. This is why we are called upon to fraternally behave toward Mother Earth and other living beings. But instead of caring for her as our life source, we have dedicated ourselves to damage her, destroy her, without realizing that we are destroying ourselves. That is why we insist that OUR MOTHER EARTH IS A LIVING BEING and as such, she must be protected.