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Coordinators and Activists of the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) from different cities of U.S.A., such as Austin, Boston, Dallas, San Marcos, Oklahoma, among others,...
On May 20th, 2015, the University of Texas at El Paso hosted the University Forums, “The Holocaust, Paradigm of Genocide” and unveiled the Traces to Remember plaque containing the palm prints of...
On Thursday, May 14, 2015, the main streets of the city of Pereira, capital of the Departamento de Risaralda in Colombia, were lighten up with the campaign “Life is in the Blood” which the Global...
It is vital for any Chilean community or any community of the World to count with stocked blood banks. By obtaining 619 effective blood units, during the last blood donation...
Invited to reflect on Higher Education, specifically on "The contribution of the Chair for Peace in the formation of the development of the integral human being", professors and scholars from...
More than 1,100 people, including students from different colleges and universities of the municipality, as well as politicians, academics, diplomats,...
  The Mayor's Office of La Mesa and the GEAP, inaugurate the first Historical Memory Center with the purpose of teaching present and future generations
More than 1,100 Colombian Army soldiers attended the 3rd National Judicial Forum at the headquarters of the Centro de Educación Militar in Bogotá, sponsored by the Global...
It takes an education for peace in the reconciliation process. In this way, opportunities for discussion and reflection are opened in the Second National Judicial Forum "...
The Committee on the Environment and Sustainable Development of COPA extended the invitation to Dr. William Soto, Executive President of the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP), to present...
The GEAP participated last April 1st, 2015, in the march "Preventing to continue growing”, organized by the Provincial Center of Hemotherapy of Resistencia, dependent of the public health ministry...
In the northern city of Chiclayo, Peru, the Activists for peace carried out a blood donation marathon under the project “Life is in the Blood”, last March 31st, 2015, in the...