This project will help prevent situations of violence and discrimination that may occur as part of the national reality of Mexico, strengthening through education the transmission of values and principles, as well as respect for others. These are essential pillars to build individuals who know, accept, and respect human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Distinguished senators, deputies, diplomats, professors, and teachers: Where did the Holocaust originate? In the mind of Hitler and his collaborators. It is in the mind where ideas emerge that produce great inventions and scientific and technological developments; but it is also there, in the human mind, where genocidal acts have originated, which can be avoided through an education centered on respect for human dignity, and constitutional values and principles.
“In the future, my legacy… when I am asked what my legacy is... Well, my legacy is to say ‘no’ to any kind of totalitarianism regime, whether right or left.”
“The story of Mr. Pierre, like that of other survivors of different genocides, should not be regarded as a simple tragic event of the past, but as the latent testimony of a living story filled with valuable lessons for the present and future generations, concerning the need to break the silence and counteract anti-Semitism, intolerance, hatred and discrimination.”
We must always bear in mind that the victims of the Nazi regime during World War II were not only 6 million Jews, other groups were also persecuted and killed, including Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, political opponents, the Romani (Gypsies), and the disabled. Therefore, this was not a crime against one people; this was a crime against the human family.
On August 21, 2013, the commemorative plaque in honor of the victims and survivors of the Holocaust made its ninth stop at Universidad del Caribe located in Howard. This is the third university to host the project through the National Assembly of Panama.
These were the words delivered by Dr. William Soto, Global Ambassador of the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace, as he proposed that the Legislative Assembly introduce a course of study into the educational curriculum based on "The Holocaust as the Paradigm of Genocide."