Franco Marcelo Fiumara

Judicial Department of La Matanza, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Lawyer, with postgraduate degree, customs technician, from the University of Bari, Italy. PhD in Political Sciences, Legal Sciences, fellowship in  “Policymakers of the Future” program of the Ministry of Foreign Relations of France- from October 19th to the 30th, 2003.

Daniel Rafecas

Doctor en Derecho Administrativo de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y Especialista en Derecho Constitucional Centro de Estudios Constitucionales Madrid.

Catedrático de Derecho Administrativo de la Universidad Escuela Libre de Derecho. Profesor del Programa de Doctorado en Derecho Administrativo Iberoamericano coordinado por la Universidad de la Coruña con 10 universidades de Iberoamérica y profesor del programa de Doctorado en Derecho Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED).

Del 3 al 7 de noviembre de 2015, en ChileEmbajada Mundial de Activistas por la Paz

Del 3 al 7 de noviembre de 2015, en Chile

Chile es el país suramericano escogido por la Embajada Mundial de Activistas por la Paz para realizar, del 3 al 7 de noviembre de 2015, la CUMBRE MUNDIAL DE INTEGRACIÓN POR LA PAZ, también conocida por CUMIPAZ.

From November 3rd to the 7th, 2015 in ChileEmbajada Mundial de Activistas por la Paz

From November 3rd to the 7th, 2015 in Chile

Chile is the South American country chosen by the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace to host the PEACE INTEGRATION SUMMIT, also known as CUMIPAZ, from November 3rd from 7th, 2015.

The contribution of the Chair for Peace was the central theme for professors at the 2015 CUMIPAZ Embajada Mundial de Activistas por la Paz

The contribution of the Chair for Peace was the central theme for professors at the 2015 CUMIPAZ

Invited to reflect on Higher Education, specifically on "The contribution of the Chair for Peace in the formation of the development of the integral human being", professors and scholars from important universities in Panama, Spain, Argentina and Brazil formed the second worktable of Educational Session at the Integration for Peace Summit CUMIPAZ Chile 2015.