La CUMIPAZ 2015 abre espacios de diálogo sobre el desafío de la Educación Superior en el siglo XXIGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

La CUMIPAZ 2015 abre espacios de diálogo sobre el desafío de la Educación Superior en el siglo XXI

La primera mesa de trabajo de la Sesión Educativa de la CUMIPAZ Chile 2015, centró sus análisis y propuestas en el tema “La Educación Superior y el Desafío del aseguramiento de la calidad en el desarrollo de las competencias profesionales en el siglo XXI.”

The CUMIPAZ 2015 opens spaces for dialogue on the challenge of Higher Education in the XXI centuryGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

The CUMIPAZ 2015 opens spaces for dialogue on the challenge of Higher Education in the XXI century

The first working table of the Educational Session CUMIPAZ Chile 2015, focused its analysis and proposals on the topic of "Higher Education and the Challenge of quality assurance in the development of professional competence in the twenty-first century."

Segundo día de Sesión en CUMIPAZ 2015Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

Segundo día de Sesión en CUMIPAZ 2015

Una educación para la paz es el objetivo común que congregó a rectores, decanos, profesores y autoridades académicas de América y Europa en el ex Congreso de la República de Chile, para el desarrollo de la Sesión Educativa de la Cumbre de Integración por la Paz, CUMIPAZ 2015.

The First Panel of the Diplomatic, Political and Parliamentary Session, promoted the debate and analysis by the international legislators.Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

The First Panel of the Diplomatic, Political and Parliamentary Session, promoted the debate and analysis by the international legislators.

In an effort to provide a space for dialogue, presentation and analysis of proposals which are aimed towards the improvement and well-being of the human family, based on the global objectives of a sustainable development and harmony with Mother Earth, legislators and parliamentarians from four countries of the American continent, participated in the first panel of diplomatic, political and parliamentary session, under the topic: “The challenge of the legislative power in the promotion of laws aimed at social well-being, sustainable development and environmental protection.”