1303 Argentinian solidary marathons stock blood banksGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

1303 Argentinian solidary marathons stock blood banks

1303 people donated the sap of life in the blood drive organized by the GEAP; this action stocks the blood banks in Argentina.

The Northeast National University presented the gallery “The Holocaust”Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

The Northeast National University presented the gallery “The Holocaust”

The photo gallery "The Holocaust", that took place at UNNE, counted with the presence of government authorities, students and GEAP.

Mapuche community celebrates 10th anniversary of the Voces Originarias groupGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Mapuche community celebrates 10th anniversary of the Voces Originarias group

La comunidad Mapuche efectuó diversas actividades para celebrar el 10° aniversario del grupo Voces Originarias, donde asistió la EMAP.

Declaration of provincial interest, the 5th Regional EncounterGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Declaration of provincial interest, the 5th Regional Encounter

The 5th Regional Encounter was held in Jujuy with the presence of 81 communities from 11 indigenous people.

An encounter that promotes love for Mother EarthGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

An encounter that promotes love for Mother Earth

In Argentina, indigenous people from Chaco, Formosa and Misiones attended the 4th Regional Encounter of the Children of Mother Earth.

Argentina: Environmental fairs for the preservation of wildlifeGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Argentina: Environmental fairs for the preservation of wildlife

  • More than 350 people visited the Fair for the Peace of Mother Earth, which raised awareness in the citizens on the care and preservation of wildlife.