Global Embassy of Activists for Peace
Global Embassy of Activists for Peace
Soto: An education that recognizes human integrity is required
See GalleryEducation authorities from different countries participate in CUMIPAZ 2018
In the Educational Session opening act, the executive president of the institution that coordinates the 4th Peace Integration Summit, CUMIPAZ 2018, William Soto, executive president of the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) explained the reason of why to work for an education that recognizes the integrality of the human being for his improvement, peace and happiness.
"It is necessary to always remember that the center of the educational system is the" human being ", based on its essence, on the very reason of its existence, on its purpose of life, to trace the objectives of an education that recognizes the integrality of the person: that he, dedicate his efforts to educate the mind and develop physical skills, but above all to strengthen the heart. Education must be more than the simple transmission of knowledge to train experts in certain areas, because the suitability of a professional should be measured by the ability to positively transform their interior and then their environment, by the way they manifest values with their peers and not only for the accumulation of knowledge acquired," he said.
Before authorities and representatives of organizations related to education and public policies, ministries, secretaries and councils of education, rectors, professors, teachers and university leaders, Soto said that the right to quality integral education, for peace and happiness of being human, has become a fundamental premise that must be addressed by governments as a priority in the national development plan in all countries.
"Rulers and teachers, as actors of education, have the responsibility to assume the challenges for a paradigm shift in education and guarantee all citizens a peace formation," (The right to be trained in peace)," he said.
He emphasized that education is an important tool that focused in an integral manner, can become a power that is capable of positively transforming all the systems of a country, such as judicial and political, the area of science and technology, the economic and business sector.
Soto said that education "has the ability to reach the hearts of the people who exercise leadership in all fields, and sow principles and values that will create the foundation for these decision-making professionals whom will influence society and the planet Earth”.