Mayor of Iracema, Mr. Jairo André Ribeiro Sousa, after signing the Decree
Activists and mayor of Sena Madureira, Mr. Osmar Serafim de Andrade, after signing the decree
Activists and Mr. Carlos Nelson Bueno, mayor of Mogi Mirim, after signing the decree
Activists and mayor of Capixaba, Mr. José Araújo Gomes da Cunha, after signing the decree
Mayor of Bujari, Mr. Romualdo Souza de Araújo, signing the Decree
Mayor of Senator Guiomard, Mr. André Luiz Tavares da Cruz, supports with his signature the decree
Mayor of Cantá, Mr. Carlos José Da Silva signing the Decree
Extraordinary Assembly of the mayors of Acre, where the GEAP received 10 decrees that support the Proclamation of the Constitution of the Rights of Mother Earth.
Mayor of Caracarai, Mrs. Maria do Perpétuo S. de L. Azevedo, signing the Decree
Support from the mayor of Epitacolândia, Mr. João Sebastião Flores da Silva
Extraordinary Assembly of Acre Mayors held on June 29, 2018.
The Chair for Peace and Happiness of the Integral Human Being was officially presented and delivered to the members of the International Alliance of Universities for Peace, ALIUP, who attended the II Assembly of ALIUP Members, held in Mexico.
Mayor of the district of Huachac-Chupaca, Fidencio Edmundo Vílchez issues a resolution
Luis Bastidas, mayor of Chupaca, Junín region, handing over the resolution in support of the Proclamation of the Constitution of the Rights of Mother Earth
Resolution issued by the mayor of Satipo, Elvis Walter Hinostroza
Mayor of the district Three of December, Edgar Vidal Escobar issues resolution No. 096-2018-MDTD / A.
Elidio Espinoza Quispe, mayor of the department of La Libertad, province of Trujillo, delivering agreement No. 060-2017-MPT
Public Accountants Association of Junín supports the Proclamation of Constitution of the Rights of Mother Earth
Wilder Sergio Hilario Aquino, dean of the College of Public Accountants of Junín, delivers a resolution in support of the GEAP proposal.
Luis Ricardo Aquino, secretary of the mayor of the district of Manzanares, Junín region, handing over the resolution in support of the Proclamation of the Constitution of the Rights of Mother Earth
A commission of the GEAP represented by Gabriela Lara and some members of the ALIUP made an official visit to the Under Secretary of Higher Education of the Secretariat of Public Education of Mexico, Dr. Rodolfo Tuirán Gutiérrez, to whom was given the project Chair for peace and happiness of the integral human being.
On August 23 and 24, 2018, member institutions of the ALIUP, academic institutions, higher education organizations, academic authorities and university professors from Costa Rica, Paraguay, Peru, Colombia, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic and Mexico will be participating.