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The Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) in Nuevo Leon, Mexico, carried out blood drive marathons in the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo León (UANL).
La EMAP en Tabasco, México, realizó jornadas de concientización en los municipios de Jonuta y Nacajuca, durante el mes de marzo.
Mexico | access_time March 31 2017
For the formation of a culture of blood donation, the GEAP carried out a blood donation marathon in Mexico.
With the aim of building a culture of peace through quality education, the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) in Tabasco, Mexico, signed an agreement with the Technological University of...
Dominican Republic | access_time March 29 2017
The GEAP in the Dominican Republic and the Juan Pablo Pina Hospital in San Cristóbal, signed a cooperation agreement under the Integral Program: Life is in the Blood, to carry out voluntary blood...
Dominican Republic | access_time March 29 2017
Firmando convenio
In order to foster a culture of solidarity to save lives, the Juan Pablo Pina Hospital signed a cooperation agreement with the GEAP
Mexico | access_time March 29 2017
To contribute in the formation of a voluntary, altruistic and habitual culture of blood donation, the GEAP carried out a blood drive.
More than 200 people attended the Forum "Human Dignity, Presumption of Innocence and Human Rights" organized by the GEAP.