Solidary culture: Health Center and the GEAP sign agreementGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Solidary culture: Health Center and the GEAP sign agreement

Dominican Republic


The Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) in the Dominican Republic and the Juan Pablo Pina Hospital of the province of San Cristobal, signed a cooperation agreement under the Integral program: Life is in the Blood, to carry out voluntary blood drives during 2017.

The agreement was established to encourage a solidary culture to save lives through voluntary, altruist and regular safe blood donation, as a way to contribute with the blood bank of this health center and develop mechanisms of love for others and respect among the human beings.

The signing of the agreement was in the office of the Hospital Direction with the chief of the institution, Vickiana Morillo, the sub-chief, Eulogio Acosta, the chief Josefina Rosa Cruz and Dr. Yelsin Gil, coordinator of the Integral Program: Life is in the Blood in the Dominican Republic.

First blood drive

After the formal act, the first blood drive was developed. Likewise, the Activists for Peace gave awareness talks to the citizens around the park of the city of San Cristobal, to make known the importance of being a voluntary donor and the benefits which this action provides society.

The blood drive ended with success, achieving a total of 7 effective donors and around 200 people, who received information about this solidary action that brings peace to the human family.

Awareness campaign

Sensibilizando gente

As part of the activities, on March 28, through an awareness campaign, house by house, the Activists will inform more than 400 people about the benefits that this altruistic act gives to society, which allows them to become solidary donors and anonymous heroes that can save up to four lives.

They also distributed to local citizens informative brochures about voluntary, altruist and regular blood donation. This blood drive awakened the interest of the citizens about this theme.

It should be noted that the province of San Cristobal was the site of the proclamation of the Dominican Constitution on November 6, 1844, a historic event of importance. The Juan Pablo Pina hospital is considered a teaching center for doctors and medical students.


access_time Wednesday, March 29, 2017