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2356 Elements of News, Videos, Galleries and Speeches.

Venezuela | access_time April 22 2017
Hundreds of students received awareness talks about Mother Earth’s care and conservation from April 17-22.
International | access_time April 22 2017
Uruguay | access_time April 22 2017
With the reading of the Proclamation of the Constitution of the Rights of Mother Earth, volunteers of the GEAP in Uruguay celebrated the life of Mother Earth.
With educational talks, the GEAP in Brazil celebrated International Mother Earth Day and National Indian Day.
Panama | access_time April 22 2017
limpiar bosque manglar
International | access_time April 22 2017
With various activities, the GEAP celebrated International Mother Earth Day and socialized environmental proposal with government authorities.
International | access_time April 22 2017
During the celebration, the Proclamation of Constitution of the Rights of Mother Earth was read in the middle of diverse activities that included environmental stops, forums,...
With educational talks, the GEAP in Brazil celebrated International Mother Earth Day and National Indian Day.
The GEAP socialized the Proclamation of the Constitution of the Rights of Mother Earth before citizens of different regions of the nation.