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2356 Elements of News, Videos, Galleries and Speeches.

United States | access_time April 20 2018
  Thank you very much for this opportunity to express these words before the Seventeenth Session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.
The GEAP is socializing the proposals for Governance and Environmental Justice in the Seventeenth Session of the Permanent Forum of the United Nations for Indigenous Affairs UNPFII 17.
Participación activa.
The GEAP carries out awareness-raising for children, young people and families of the program "Life is in the Blood" in Peru.
3,008 students and 10 families in Peru participated in the educational sessions of PEC VIDA for a culture of blood donation.
United States | access_time April 19 2018
International | access_time April 17 2018
Puerto Rico | access_time April 07 2018
During the drive, 160 effective blood units were collected and 143 people were sensitized to be voluntary donors.
Unidades de sangre.
On April 6 and 7, at Plaza las Américas in San Juan, Puerto Rico, a blood drive campaign was carried out.
Young people participated in two parallel tables to socialize the basic principles of composition and frequency 432 Hz, frequency of peace.