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Mexico | access_time September 29 2016
Mexico | access_time September 29 2016
The cultural union for the rescue and preservation of the Pachamama promoted the 6th Regional Encounter of the Children of Mother Earth in Mexico, an event organized by the...
In order to raise awareness on the importance of recycling the Green Light campaign was carried out, in the community of Azul, Buenos Aires, where the Global Embassy of...
Paraguay | access_time September 28 2016
The second edition of the Peace Integration Summits, CUMIPAZ 2016 was officially presented, through a press conference, where all the program details were made known. 
This session promotes the strengthening of universal and national justice for peace, as well as the recognition and respect for dignity and...
A committee of six senators for the Multi-national State of Bolivia will participate during the session of the Peace Integration Summit (CUMIPAZ), which will carry out the second edition in...
March for peace was carried out through the streets of the municipality of Venadillo, as a prelude to the Forum "Educating to Remember - The Holocaust, Paradigm of Genocide" organized by GEAP
The Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) is a non-profit global organization, arising from the inspiration of renowned international pacifist, William Soto Santiago, who, for decades, has...