Integral Program of Blood Donation: Life is in the Blood

Integral Program of Blood Donation: Life is in the Blood

The Integral Program of Blood Donation: Life is in the Blood, is a social intervention program that proposes a social-cultural and altruistic approach founded on the principal of love for life; and promotes solidarity, the respect for human dignity, improving the quality of life, social justice, peace and integral happiness of the entire human family.

General objective

Contribute towards the formation of a voluntary, altruistic and habitual culture of safe blood donation, to increase the active and effective participation of the citizens with the objective of guaranteeing the supply of blood and its components to every person that needs it.

Specific objectives

  1. Promote the principle of love and universal values to the human family, so that blood donation becomes a voluntary, solidary, civic, altruistic, responsible and habitual act, through the strategic components of the Program Life is in the Blood.

  2. Implement the Communication Educational Program to raise awareness in voluntary, altruistic and habitual safe blood donation in the countries where the GEAP is represented.

  3. Strengthen the International Campaign “Life is in the Blood”, organized by the GEAP, in partnership with governmental and non-governmental health organizations and citizen participation, to increase voluntary, altruistic and habitual safe blood donation.

  4. Socialize the proposal of the Framework Law to Promote Voluntary, Altruistic and Habitual Safe Blood Donation, and promote it in countries where the GEAP is represented.

The strategic components of the Program are:

  • Communication Educational Program for the Formation of a Culture of Voluntary, Altruistic and Habitual Safe Blood Donation (PEC-VIDA), aimed at the family, community, educational and business environment.

  • International Campaign “Life is in the Blood – Donating the Sap of Life”.

  • Law Proposal for the Promotion of Voluntary, Altruistic and Habitual Safe Blood Donation.

Latest News:

Heroes of the Human Family reached another victory in the 5th International Marathon “Life is in the Blood”

Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Spain, United States - Thursday, 03/09/2015

In the race for life, the participating countries accomplished to overcome the figures of the last marathon. 5396


Latest News:

Heroes of the Human Family reached another victory in the 5th International Marathon “Life is in the Blood”

Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Spain, United States - Thursday, 03/09/2015

In the race for life, the participating countries accomplished to overcome the figures of the last marathon. 5396

Activities of the last quarter

With the Communication Educational Program for the Formation of a Voluntary, Altruistic and Habitual Safe Blood Donation (PEC-VIDA), the GEAP develops on of the objectives of the Integral Program: Life is in the Blood, which includes the formation of a voluntary, altruistic and habitual safe blood donation, to increase the active and efficient participation of citizens in the altruistic act of donating blood.

General objective

Strengthen the culture of voluntary, altruistic and habitual safe blood donation in the human family, based on the universal principles and values of the human being, in international programs of blood supply and in the Theory of Integral Education for the Peace and Happiness of the Human Being, which aims to increase the active and efficient participation of the citizens in voluntary blood donation.

Specific objectives

  1. Implement the Communication Educational Program of the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace, to raise awareness of voluntary, altruistic and habitual safe blood donation, aimed at the family, community, educational and business field.

  2. Promote, through every means, the communicational campaign to raise awareness in voluntary, altruistic and habitual safe blood donation, created on the foundation of the educational and theoretic principles of the Educational Program of the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace, which is aimed for the public and is adaptable for the culture of every country.

Latest News:

Heroes of the Human Family reached another victory in the 5th International Marathon “Life is in the Blood”

Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Spain, United States - Thursday, 03/09/2015

In the race for life, the participating countries accomplished to overcome the figures of the last marathon. 5396


The Global Embassy of Activists for Peace, since 2013, develops the International Campaign “Life is in the Blood” which consists of International Marathons, held twice a year, simultaneously in every country where the GEAP has representation. National blood donations are also carried out throughout the entire year, independently in every country.

The purpose is to contribute towards the auto sufficiency, availability and security of blood and blood components, keeping blood inventories safe and stocked in different health centers in each country where the GEAP is represented, aligned with the objectives of the WHO of having 100% of voluntary and unpaid blood donations.

General objective

Contribute towards obtaining the auto sufficiency, availability and security of blood and blood components through voluntary, altruistic and habitual safe blood donation, promoting the positive principles and values of the human being for the participation, commitment and solidarity of the citizens.

Specific objectives

  1. Promote the voluntary, altruistic and habitual safe blood donation, by encouraging the principle of love and positive values of the human being, to achieve sensibility, capitation and retention of donors during the National drives and the International Marathons.

  2. Develop the International Marathons of voluntary, altruistic and habitual safe blood donation, in alliance with governmental and nongovernmental health organizations, with the aim of obtaining the highest amount of effective donations to contribute towards stoking blood banks. 

Develop International Marathons of voluntary, altruistic and habitual safe blood donation, in alliance with governmental and nongovernmental health organizations, to contribute towards achieving the goal established by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). 

Latest News:

Heroes of the Human Family reached another victory in the 5th International Marathon “Life is in the Blood”

Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Spain, United States - Thursday, 03/09/2015

In the race for life, the participating countries accomplished to overcome the figures of the last marathon. 5396

International Campaign “Life is in the Blood – Donating the Sap of Life”

Latest News:

Heroes of the Human Family reached another victory in the 5th International Marathon “Life is in the Blood”

Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Spain, United States - Thursday, 03/09/2015

In the race for life, the participating countries accomplished to overcome the figures of the last marathon. 5396

International Marathons

Based on the results obtained from the performed diagnoses during the International Marathons and the National Blood Drives, the GEAP wrote a Law proposal for the Promotion of Voluntary, Altruistic and Habitual Safe Blood Donation.

This Law proposal intends to adapt to every country where the GEAP has representation, based on a diagnostic study of the different existing judicial instruments in each nation, regarding blood donation.  

  1. Objective of Law Proposal

This proposal intends to intervene with the amendment of legislations of the countries that need to strengthen the national systems of stocking blood and blood components, seeking the replacement of the blood donation system, with the system of voluntary, altruistic and habitual safe blood donation; contributing towards the goal of the World Health Organization for 2020 to obtain 100% of safe blood units collected in a voluntary, altruistic and habitual way.

It also proposes to integrate work regarding the donation of safe blood from governmental authorities, legal and physical people, official and nongovernmental, nonprofit organizations, especially those institutions and professionals directly involved in the field of health and education.

General Objective

Present to the corresponding authorities the Law Proposal for the Promotion of Voluntary, Altruistic and Habitual Safe Blood Donation, which contemplate the ethical, scientific, medical, social and judicial foundations and backgrounds in the national and international field, in the countries where the GEAP has representation.

Specific objectives

  1. Investigate the procedures of each country for the presentation and approval of the Law Proposal for the Promotion of a Voluntary, Altruistic and Habitual Safe Blood Donation.

  2. Promote the Law Proposal for the Promotion of a Voluntary, Altruistic and Habitual Safe Blood Donation before legislative organizations in each country, public and private institutions related to health and the civil society.

  3. Support the implementation of PEC-VIDA and the International Campaigns of blood donations in the countries where the GEAP is represented. 

Latest News:

Heroes of the Human Family reached another victory in the 5th International Marathon “Life is in the Blood”

Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Spain, United States - Thursday, 03/09/2015

In the race for life, the participating countries accomplished to overcome the figures of the last marathon. 5396

Proposals for the Law of the Promotion of Voluntary, Altruistic and Habitual Safe Blood Donation