Law Students at ISAE University Analyze the Consequences of the HolocaustGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Law Students at ISAE University Analyze the Consequences of the Holocaust

The fourth "Educating to Remember - The Holocaust: Paradigm of Genocide" university forum took place at ISAE University in Panama on Tuesday, May 6.

Speech in Commemoration of the International Day in memory of the victims of the Holocaust, Congress of Peru - Ms. Luisa María Cuculiza
“Commemorational Address of the International Day in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust, Congress of Peru - Mr. Yossi Aviram”
Commemorational Address of the International Day in memory of the victims of the Holocaust, Congress of Peru - Mr. Christian Sánchez
Exhibition of plaque "Traces to Remember" at the Congress of ParaguayGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace
The Project "Traces to Remember" was launched at the Chancellery of ParaguayGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

The Project "Traces to Remember" was launched at the Chancellery of Paraguay

In Paraguay, the "Traces to Remember" project of the Embassy of Activists for Peace was launched in the National Chancellery, promoted by the Office of the First Lady of the Nation, the Tesape'a Paraguay Association and with the support of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador José Félix Fernández.


Embassy of Germany in Colombia Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

Embassy of Germany in Colombia

"To receive the plaque in honor of the survivors of the Holocaust today in this embassy is a privilege and at the same time a very important challenge, to continue working together with all of you, so that atrocious crimes such as these never again repeat themselves in the history of humanity, so that there is never again an attempt at genocide, and finally, so that there will be peace in the Middle East."