General Director of the GEAP, Gabriela Lara; César Salazar, Magistrate of the Central American Court of Justice (El Salvador), Deputy Minister of Labor of Panama, Zulphy Santamaría; Julio Cesar Pineda, Venezuelan diplomat
Legal and governmental specialists
The Nobel Peace Prize was informed that the first version of the document was delivered to the Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro, in the 2nd Version of CUMIPAZ, Paraguay
Rajendra Pachauri promised to promote the proposal of the GEAP in the universal and regional instances
Ambassador Julio Pineda commented on the need for the continent to have a legal and diplomatic instrument by way of a treaty, that should be subject to signature and ratification by the States
General Director of the GEAP with diplomatic, governmental and business representatives
Official delivery of the Inter-American Environmental Charter, Rajendra Pachauri
Ginés Marco Perles, vice-rector for Research and Teaching at the Catholic University of Valencia, Spain, present at CUMIPAZ
Corporate Social Responsibility was the 2nd daySession of CUMIPAZ 2017
Relational leadership and server leadership, as exponents of a paradigm shift, in the lecture by Gines Marco
Gabriela Lara with international exhibitors at the Corporate Social Responsibility Session
Ciro Torres, founder of Social Balance, and professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
"Because ethics presupposes dialogue, ethics already presupposes the care of the other," Ciro Torres
Ciro Torres: "to talk about Corporate Social Responsibility, the starting point is ethics.”
Objective of the Session: to raise the awareness of the business sector in the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), based on values and principles
CSR is a project aimed at professionals in the corporate field and international business organizations
In order to generate a commitment, the CSR recommendations and concerted proposals, will be included in the Declaration of CUMIPAZ
Zulphy Santamaría, Vice Minister of Work and Labor Development, spoke on the importance of coordinated work between the Government and the business sector.