In Chile, 64 decrees support the rights of the planet EarthGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace
Lonquimay respalda iniciativa EMAP

In Chile, 64 decrees support the rights of the planet Earth

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Government authorities of the Republic of Chile issued 64 decrees during the months of August, September, October and November 2018, with the objective of supporting the Proclamation of the Constitution for the Rights of Mother Earth.

Chile | Signature of decrees promote actions in favor of the environmentGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace
Decreto por la Madre Tierra

Chile | Signature of decrees promote actions in favor of the environment

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The decrees were delivered to the GEAP with the purpose of supporting the proposal that promotes actions for the benefit of Mother Earth.

Chile participates actively during World Blood Donor Day Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

Chile participates actively during World Blood Donor Day

700 people in Chile celebrated the World Blood Donor Day with the GEAP to raise awareness among the population in this voluntary act.

2955 Chileans support the environmental proposal of the GEAPGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace
Chile joins the environmental celebration: Earth HourGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Chile joins the environmental celebration: Earth Hour

Hundreds of Chileans joined Earth Hour to demonstrate their commitment in the fight against climate change.

Chileans kight candles in celebration of Earth Hour.
Concientización a niñez.

Chileans kight candles in celebration of Earth Hour.

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Activists in Chile used their creativity to carry out the celebration of Earth Hour.

Human dignity and human rights in the democratic contextGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Human dignity and human rights in the democratic context

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Democracy, human rights and respect for human dignity as a source of national and international justice within the framework of world peace.

The University of Concepción: Promoter of universal justiceGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

The University of Concepción: Promoter of universal justice

The National Judicial Forum of the University of Concepción contributed to peace from universal justice and an education in values