The GEAP and Indigenous Peoples of Mexico gathered for the coexistence of human beings and Mother EarthGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

The GEAP and Indigenous Peoples of Mexico gathered for the coexistence of human beings and Mother Earth


Rescue of ancestral wisdom for the development of the international project

Together to work for the coexistence of human beings in a sustainable balance with Mother Earth, the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) and Indigenous Communities of San Luis Potosi state, Mexico, held an International Day for Rights of Mother Earth and the Indigenous Peoples.

This meeting of the Children of Mother Earth, organized by the GEAP in the city of Xilitla, allowed the participation of representatives of the Nahual, Teenek and Pame (Xi'ui) ethnic groups, which have an average of 300,000 inhabitants. The indigenous peoples of this state represent approximately 12% of the population of 2.6 million potosinos.

Likewise, delegates from the Congress of the Local Chamber of the Deputies of the state SLP, the Secretariat of Education of the Government of SLP, the General Office of the State Commission on Human Rights (CEDH), the Department of Ecology and Environmental Gestion from Ciudad Valles, State Unit of School Counselors of Social Participation and the Intercultural University of SLP, were present.

This day is part of the action lines of Project “Children of Mother Earth” inspired by Dr. William Soto, Ambassador and Executive President of GEAP, who has been working for years to rescue the wisdom of the millennial peoples of Latin America to promote the claim of their rights and the defense of the rights of Mother Earth to the United Nations (UN) and other international organizations.

Millennial Wisdom for Coexistence with Mother Earth

Dr. Soto in his presentation presented the basis of the project and stressed the need to promote and establish the millennial wisdom, which recognizes and respects Mother Earth as a living being so that the human family coexists in harmony and peace with Mother Earth.

“The indigenous communities do have the wisdom to live and grow as a people preserving the balance of Mother Earth, therefore, they have the knowledge to preserve the balance of the integral human being. This millennial wisdom is what we must find or rediscover to restore that lost balance with Mother Earth (...) It is important to establish a sustainable balance between the use of its resources, the protection and preservation of Mother Earth and all her children.”

For this reason, Dr. Soto called for the union of all the Indigenous Communities as one people, so that they have representation in the UN and other international organizations, and in this way they can raise their voice and vote to fight freely for their rights as a people and the rights of Mother Earth.

Formation of an awareness for the Peace of Mother Earth

Another proposal presented by GEAP was the Environmental Educational Communications Program, which is being designed with the main objective of promoting awareness of the recognition of Mother Earth as a living being, and as such, subject of rights, with a view to the formation of sustainable green citizenship, in harmony with the elements that make it up.

“Our educational program is being developed with the purpose of forming an awareness for the peace of Mother Earth, forming human beings with environmental and sustainable responsibility,” said Dr. Soto.

The GEAP places special emphasis on education, as it represents a power for the transformation of mentalities. In this sense, Gabriela Lara, General Director of GEAP, explained about educational proposals at the international level, within the framework of the project “Children of Mother Earth,” based on the ancestral postulates.

“One of Dr. Soto’s proposals is to establish within each of the educational systems in Latin America a special subject where the wisdom of the indigenous peoples is made known, so that our children and future generations can learn, and know how each One of you managed to live and carry forward your family keeping the balance between nature and the development of you as communities.”

In this sense, Lara expressed to the representatives of the Indigenous Communities the importance of establishing links for the sharing of knowledge and experiences regarding the protection and respect of Mother Earth, in order to be included in the international project.

“Let this be a beginning to know and rescue all those customs that we hope we can include with the work of Dr. Soto, in schools and universities not only in Mexico but throughout Latin America, and we hope that with the help of each one of you, all over the world.”

Sum of wills that converge in the rescue of the common heritage

Representatives from the Indigenous Communities, local and state government, showed clear of adherence to the project; they spoke of their experiences and knowledge, to fight for a common interest: the preservation of Mother Earth and the life of all her children.

“Our indigenous peoples have a different appreciation, they have a meaning with the insistence of life. This comes from the Earth, we are her children; from there derives the rights of the Earth (...) Our Mother Earth is suffering from the exploitation of natural resources, she is tired, contaminated, forgotten (...) That is why, brothers and sisters, we are here concentrated because the project of our friend, Dr. William Soto, coincides in the defense of our environment.”

Mr. Celestino Martinez Hernandez

Indigenous leader of the locality

“We unite without distinction of race, without distinction of language, without distinction of color nor of social class, nor much less of thought; We are united in a simple cause, in a human cause, in a cause that we all desire: to rescue life itself, to rescue our Mother Earth (...) Today as a Mexican, as a potosino and especially as a citizen concerned about this rescue, I join this non‑governmental organization in this struggle, in a struggle of coexistence, in a dignified struggle, but above all in a fight of brotherhood (...) May we be able to link all from home, from family, at school and with local, state and national governmental authority, make the caring, protection and foundation of our Mother Earth a brotherhood.”

Prof. Juan Evaristo Balderas Martinez

Representative of the Ministry of Education of the State Government SLP

Proposals that coincide with safeguarding the home of all

Proposals were made at the gathering by commissioners of government agencies such as Deputy Martin Alvarez Martinez, President of the Political Coordination Board of the State SLP, who spoke on the establishment of public policies derived from environmental legislation to reverse or stop the degradation of ecosystems:

“The legislature must remain alert to permanently review environmental legislation, and adapt it according to the new needs of growth and sustainable development (...) The executive through the education sector should promote concrete actions to strengthen the curricular contents of the students of Basic Education in environmental matters, promote through the schools of parents.”

The leader of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Management in Ciudad Valles, German Zamora Diaz, was in charge of another of the presentations, who addressed the issue of current conditions of Mother Earth, with points such as climate change, pollution, the greenhouse effect; in turn, spoke about the ecological sustainability for the restoration of the balance of the Earth and the beings that inhabit it.

“We have different alternative solutions, we must seek support, we must involve ecological sustainability,” he said. In this sense, he proposed, among other things, the innovation of agricultural systems. “We must have awareness, consciousness, and willingness to work,” he expressed.

On the other hand, Elvira Viggiano Guerra, 2nd Visitor General of the CEDH in Ciudad Valles, indicated the assessment that the Inter‑American Court of Human Rights grants to the conception and relation of the Indigenous Peoples with Mother Earth:

“The Inter‑American Court of Human Rights, through several of its judgments, has interpreted that for indigenous communities, the relationship with the land is not merely a matter of possession and production, but a material and spiritual element that they should fully enjoy, preserve its cultural legacy and transmit it to future generations.”

Universal example of harmonious coexistence with Mother Earth

The GEAP recognizes that Indigenous Peoples are an important example of harmonious coexistence with Mother Earth, for this reason, the GEAP works for the defense of their rights and the inclusion of their ancestral wisdom in the development of this international project.

This work carried out by the GEAP with the Indigenous Communities of Latin America has allowed the establishment of brotherhood ties in countries such as Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Panama, Colombia, Peru, Guatemala, Paraguay, Venezuela, among others; which strengthens the work for the defense of the Rights of Mother Earth, to achieve a sustainable balance with the beings that inhabit it.



access_time Wednesday, September 2, 2015