Argentinean citizens participate in the first voluntary blood driveGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Argentinean citizens participate in the first voluntary blood drive


As part of the Integral Program: “Life is in the Blood”, volunteers of the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) and the Municipal Hemocenter of the city of Cordoba, joined the campaign #IDonateLife.

The Palacio Municipal 6 de Julio was the location of the first blood drive marathon, where more than 150 people received an awareness talk about a voluntary, altruist and regular safe blood donation; 85 citizens accepted the invitation to donate the sap of life which resulted in 70 effective units. 

On January 18 and 19, the marathons were developed under the sub direction of Dr. Moyano. The event had the participation of functionaries, municipal employees and the intendent of the city, Ramon Javier Mestre.

Supporting the Drives            

Many health professionals supported the campaign, among them, Gabriel Acevedo, secretary of Health; Pablo Igarzabal, secretary of Hospital Attention; and Marcelo Cossar, secretary of Modernization, Communication and Strategic Development.

It was also attended by the director of the hospital Principe de Asturias, Jorge Said Nisi; the general director of the health program, Lisandro Utz; the director of the home Padre Lamonaca, Gabriel Marinetti; and the director of the municipal pharmacy, Maria Botasso.

In representation of the direction of municipal medical emergencies 107, Marcelo Lamon; Maria Peisino, for the sub direction of network management, who is in charge of the campaign #IDonateLife; and the Unidad Promotora de la Salud (UPS) accompanied by health promoters.

Athletes join the campaign

On January 19, popular athletes were present in the activity, among them the basketball player Bruno Labaque; the boxing world ex-champion, Santos Falucho Lasiar; and the ex-archer and football technical director, Emilio Commisso, who nowadays is director of sports in the municipality of Cordoba.

The media promoted and covered the event which achieved to stock the blood bank of the hemocenter. Meanwhile, the Activists for peace continue to do marathons in different parts of the city, so that every Argentinian may have the opportunity to join to this campaign for life