Analysis: Regional blocks of continental integration for peaceGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Analysis: Regional blocks of continental integration for peace

Parlamentary Session / Panama  |  Regional block Lectures
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As part of the Diplomatic, Parliamentary and Policy session, the topic “Political and social scope of the regional continental integration blocks for the peace and integral happiness of human beings” was developed. This space was attended by Ambassador Julio César Pineda as moderator.

The technical secretary of Parlatino, Alfredo Jiménez Barros spoke on "The contribution of effective and operative public policies aimed at promoting the development, welfare, happiness and peace of human beings and of Mother Earth”.

Jiménez began his lecture with a brief overview of the origin of the Latin American Parliament. He also said that one of the actions that the Parlatino did, in addition to promoting its founding objectives (democracy, integration, strengthening of governance) was to establish a space for action and expression for politicians in exile.

The operational arm of this body is its 13 permanent inter-parliamentary committees and one of the main products of this body are the programs, plans, and production of framework laws. The secretary of the Parlatino, in relation to the model law, clarified: "The idea is not for the country to adopt it at the national level, these are legislative contributions".

Senator Miguel Angel Chico Herrera, president of the Parliamentary Confederation of the Americas (COPA) Mexico, based his lecture on the theme "The contribution of regional blocks for human and social development, defense of human rights, welfare and peace of the nations and for the overcoming of the inequalities in the continent".

Chico Herrera expressed during his presentation that when individuals create a community and establish a solid social fabric, they contribute new models of global governance where cooperation prevails in the face of conflict and where peace can be achieved.

Herrera also stated that, currently, the international organizations, the regional blocs, have assumed a new role within the dynamics of the world order.

"The regional blocks supported by international organizations, have not only been concerned about presenting agendas. The Organization of American States, nationals such as COPA, Parlatino and the UN, have played a fundamental role in helping us understand our progress, but also our lags, "he said.


Miguel Ángel Chico Herrera
President of the Parliamentary Confederation of the Americas (COPA) – (MEXICO)

The Ambassador Julio César Pineda made a reference to the speech of Chico Herrera when he spoke of the proximity of human rights and of avoiding the totalitarian temptation. He considered the phrase very important:

"Nowadays you have to avoid walls, especially when you promote separations between peoples, perhaps strengthen more bridges, which is what we all need to unite our peoples."



CUMIPAZ Peace Integration Summit