Message from Dr. William Soto Santiago at the Diplomatic, Political and Parliamentary session of the Peace Integration Summit, CUMIPAZ 2017-Panama
Mensaje William Soto

Message from Dr. William Soto Santiago at the Diplomatic, Political and Parliamentary session of the Peace Integration Summit, CUMIPAZ 2017-Panama

Very good morning, cordial greetings to the head table, authorities, and the public present within the framework of the three tables that make up this Diplomatic, Parliamentary, and Political Session of CUMIPAZ 2017.

We seek to address the problems that affect the peace of the integral human being and the nations, and propose options for their solution, beginning from the implementation of democracy as a system of government.

The concepts of state administration and the exercise of public power emanate from the sensation of the citizen’s power to their rulers in exchange for the promise that the latter will solidify the future execution of the actions that society requires to ensure their development and survival in peace.

This causal basis has persisted until today, if politics is understood and viewed as having double ethical and functional meaning as the exercise of public power, oriented to the common good, it can be concluded that few human activities imply a greater responsibility for the one who exercises it, given the number of people who will be affected by it, positively or negatively.

Politics is, by principle, a noble art that requires a solid axiological structure, in order not to lose its moral course; its exercise is full of dangers and deviations, among which the most salient are corruption and the risk that a legitimately elected government will turn into a totalitarian regime.

This occurs most often when political leaders forget that the real purpose of their work as officials is to serve their people. Democracy has become generalized because it is the political system in which one can do the most work for the dignity of human beings and for the recognition of their rights and equal conditions.

All governments, regardless of their location within the political spectrum, must recognize the person as a fundamental pillar and the very reason for their work, and develop public policies that dignify and enhance it. However, today we see how hate speech and actions of intolerance with those that are different, nourish the rebirth of extremist, nationalist, xenophobic, and terrorist ideologies.

Alerts of genocidal acts occur in the Middle East, parts of Africa and Eastern Europe; terrorist attacks are increasing, causing the mourning in thousands of homes, while a threat of nuclear war threatens the security and existence of the entire human family. These are some of the pressing challenges for political leaders, but it is up to them to help transform the global picture into a more optimistic one.

We can overcome wars, overcome violence, conflict, and corruption. We can live in peace. Peace is the reason of being for human beings and happiness is an inherent and inalienable right, and to achieve it, we need two fundamental aspects in our leaders: love towards your neighbor and political will.

The construction of peace is a continuous, dynamic, and creative process that requires the sum of commitments and wills.

The presence of each one of you, esteemed leaders, fills us with hope and opens many ways to work for the happiness of the integral human being, Mother Earth, and nations. That is why at the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace we want to give you all the help possible, and for that, we want to propose the creation of a Council of Peace Forgers, which will articulate, implement and strengthen political, parliamentary, and diplomatic actions, where the human being is prioritized and their dignity exalted, their right to justice, peace, and happiness; promoting the improvement, the generation of opportunities, the participation, and growth through a comprehensive education that strengthens the values, the promotion and protection of universal rights, and the respect for differences.

We thank you for your presence at this Summit and your contribution to the search for solutions to build a more just, inclusive, supportive, and peaceful society. Count on our collaboration in your respective countries.

Welcome and thank you very much.



Well, with this message from Dr. Soto, where he points out precisely the importance of power, but as an end to the common good, and the importance of that political, parliament, and diplomacy trilogy.

Interesting the observation of what is the legitimacy of power, which classifies legitimacy of origin and legitimacy of exercise, when service is forgotten within the Christian concept of serving others. Democracy, as he puts it —and we will see it at the special table (he poses it and so it will surely be picked up)— it is the best system; but there are dangers and challenges, as he points out, when the recognition of the human person and his or her dignity is forgotten.

That is why he affirms, among the challenges, that of hatred, intolerance, extremism, terrorism, nationalism, corruption, and he makes an observation that is very valid, because we are on the verge —they say—of a possible third world war that would be with atomic weapons and would be the end of humanity, when he talks about the nuclear threat.

Then it concludes (and we all agree on that and we will see it during the tables), to overcome peace —he says— we must explain, extend love to our neighbor, but we must have political will; and that's the reason for this work table about politics.

And finally, the proposal of a Council of curators for Peace, where precisely those who are going to work with us are involved today, such as parliaments, diplomacy in general, diplomats, and especially politicians.

In that sense, we have precisely today, on the floor, the president of the National Assembly of Panama. She has a Bachelor in Business Administration, from the University of Panama, and of Accounting, and is also an authorized public accountant.