Lcda. Gabriela Lara | Conclusions of the Session Science, CUMIPAZ 2018
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Conclusions of the Session
On behalf of the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace, and of all the Activists who worked in the organization of this event, we want to thank our speakers who accompany us from India, Russia, the United States, Chile, Bolivia, Guatemala, Peru , Dominican Republic, Colombia, Costa Rica ... Did I forget any other country? Mexico, Brazil ... We are going to give you a big round of applause in gratitude for all the effort you have made.
And we really feel very happy, because there is a small group here, a small group with a big heart; and the most important thing: with great wills to unite and have that coherence within the heart, those objectives around building a culture of peace, working for sustainable development, working for the rights of human beings, peace and happiness of our Mother Earth. So, we thank you very much for your participation in this first session of the Peace Integration Summit.
We want to invite our speakers, after the event, to the Hotel Camino Real, where we will be holding a meeting so that the proposals that you have brought as part of your participation, of your conferences, can be reflected in the document that will be delivered as part of the final Declaration of the Peace Integration Summit.
What is this document or these proposals of the Science Session? They will be a work path that we will promote during the next year at a political level, at the educational level, at the business level, so that these proposals and these conferences that you have shared with each of us today are not simply left in a conference; our true desire is to see them concreted through effective, real actions that are impactful for the human family and for Mother Earth.
Thank you very much and see you tomorrow.