Gabriela Lara | Installation Act - Parliamentary Session, CUMIPAZ 2017
Gabriela Lara

Gabriela Lara | Installation Act - Parliamentary Session, CUMIPAZ 2017


Julio César Pineda

Diplomat and internationalist


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, distinguished delegates, ambassadors of the friendly countries accredited here in Panama; distinguished speakers and authorities of the Republic of Panama, representatives of international organizations.

Today is the third Session for this summit of CUMIPAZ, the third; and the issue has to do with something fundamental, especially when Dr. William Soto Santiago in the meetings we attended (particularly in the two previous Summits) always insisted that the issue of policy, diplomacy and parliament, were considered as fundamental, because beyond the technical, scientific, social, cultural works developed by the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace, it is fundamental (as he has continuously said) that concrete political decisions be reached and realizations in programs and projects. And who better than the parliaments of the region where national sovereignty is expressed in that necessary representation of all democratic systems with division of powers.

That is why in today's session we will have parliamentarians from different countries of Latin America in that permanent and constant realization of Dr. William Soto Santiago's programs.

Likewise, he has insisted that it is not enough only with the national policy, because there is a process of globalization and internationalization of the law and of all human activities. That is why the importance of the new subjects of International Law, such as international organizations.

Today a representative of the Organization of American States is with us, who since 1948 has been specifically guiding the coordinating policies of the continent, today with 34 States. But of course, and Dr. Soto Santiago also insisted that there is a new diplomacy; and that's why the issue also today, beyond politics as a game in the countries of application of programs and projects, and beyond parliaments, it is diplomacy that has to help that peace that he has been programming, and especially in that dilemma that is the world facing the change of ecology, global warming and the issue of peace.

Yesterday, the Nobel Peace Prize winner, Rajendra Pachauri, who spoke to us, affirmed that humanity was in danger, not only because of armaments’ with the nuclear issue and atomic weapons, but also because of climate change and global warming. And he told us the concern of the international community.

Incidentally, yesterday, the general director of the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace, delivered to Dr. Rajendra a political, scientific, but eminently diplomatic document, which is a draft of an Inter-American Charter on ecology and environment.

Remember that the OAS has already promoted the Inter-American Democratic Charter, has promoted the Inter-American Social Charter, and the Global Embassy is promoting a new charter that would be the Environmental Charter, the Ecological Charter for the continent; where, (and he drew much attention to the Nobel Peace Prize), there is a kind of request from the Global Embassy and the International Community, to perfect - the International Criminal Court - the crimes, particularly on the issue of genocide by applying politicide and applying ethnocide, and fundamentally, ecocide.

Even here it has been debated, in this Assembly, that it could be a fifth crime – to be considered by the International Criminal Court in its next meetings - ecocide, with characteristics and special characterization.

That's why today, this is one of the important sessions. We thank several ambassadors, who are here with us, many diplomats from various countries, parliamentarians, and above all, the Latin American Parliament that (as you know) is made up of 12 representatives from each of the Latin American countries, and that is a long story. And here in this house is where all the laws for the continent should be integrally made.

That is the first issue that we are going to touch then: the political part, the parliamentary part, the subject of democracy, and a new theme that will be, for the first time, touched in the way that it is going to be done today, which is: the processes of continent and regional integration. There will be a special round table on regional integration.

Remember that we are all in the integration mechanisms, whether MERCOSUR; the Andean Community of Nations; the CARICOM; the SISCA, Central American Integration System; the UNASUR; and now the SELAC, which is the community of Latin American and Caribbean States; and, of course, the framework agency, which is the OAS, of which are going to speak today.

So we have a remarkable picture from the diplomatic, political point of view: and that can also carry forward, at the level of parliaments, the recommendations that we have been making.

To start today in the morning we will have the installation event with the words of the general director of the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace, Gabriela Lara. You have the floor.


Gabriela Lara

A fraternal greeting to the honorable deputy Yanibel Abrego Smith, president of the Assembly of Panama; Mr. James Matthew Lambert, Secretary of Hemispheric Affairs of the OAS; Mr. Luis Eduardo Quirós, president of the Commission of Education, Culture, Technology and Communication of the Parlatino; and to all the authorities that accompany us. Welcome once again to the Peace Integration Summit 2017. Thank you for attending the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace’s call.

The objective of the Diplomatic, Parliamentary, and Political Session is to build a space where we can discuss, deliberate, present, develop, strengthen different proposals, projects, and agreements aimed at seeking the improvement, peace, and happiness of the integral human being, based on the World Sustainable Development Goals and in harmony with Mother Earth.

From the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace, we are aware that the political community is the heart, the soul of each nation, because its political decisions determine the destiny of the peoples; they are called to transform this society —which is often exclusive— in an inclusive, just, and peaceful society.

Happiness is the existential goal of every man; it is up to political leaders to help build it. And this is not achieved by simply enacting laws, because there are already laws: We must generate effective actions to seek the economic and social development of a country; but, above all, an integral development of the human being.

The true guarantee of a just, equal, and peaceful society is the leader's love for his or her people, the love of the political community for its people and respect for human dignity. For this reason, we consider this area of ​​vital importance, since it brings together civil society and the political community in the same scenario, where national and international leaders will be able to present their projects and actions for the well-being of the human being, for the construction of a culture of peace in a globalized world, respectful of differences, tolerant, with justice and equality.

Next I want to present a video from Dr. William Soto Santiago, president of the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace, who with great regret and for reasons of health could not be present, but will make the official start of the Political and Parliamentary Session through a short video.