In collaboration with different institutions and Activists for Peace, Argentina ends with success the 5th International Marathon “Life is in the Blood”Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

In collaboration with different institutions and Activists for Peace, Argentina ends with success the 5th International Marathon “Life is in the Blood”


Argentina joined the 5th International Blood Drive Marathon “Life is in the Blood”, organized in different countries by the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP), initiative of the Global Ambassador, Dr. William Soto, to promote a culture of voluntary and regular blood donation.

Promoting the creation of such altruist culture, the Activists for Peace of the GEAP in the cities: Buenos Aires, Resistencia, Formosa, Mar del Plata, Mendoza, Azul, Olavarria, Cordoba, Salta, Jujuy, Posadas and Tres Arroyos, united to carry out the 5th International Marathon proposed during the month of June, developing special activities on June 14, scheduled by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the “International blood Donor Day”.

Likewise, the GEAP works to prevail in the constitution of the voluntary and regular donor, carrying out activities in favor of it and using visual resources for a better understanding. The banners, parades, costumes, informative flyers, puppet shows, among other materials and educational programs, helped to recreate the environment in context, with a party for life.

Helping the Human Family

The blood drive marathons carried out during June in Resistencia, Chaco, in the sector of Hemotherapy of the Hospital “Julio Perrando”, and also in the province Formosa; adding both provinces to the 5th International Marathon “Life is in the Blood”, achieving the participation of 860 voluntary donors in Chaco and 459 in the city of Formosa.

On the same way, on June 15 it was carried out the marathon in Mendoza, on the Centro Regional de Hemoterapia (CRH) of the region of Cuyo, with the presence of its Director, Dr. Sergio Baigorria, and the doctor in charge of the area of “hemodonacion”, Dr. Hector Cura, providing a total of 53 donors. At the same time, during the same day, the campaign was held in Mar del Plata, with a total of 55 donors.

On June 16, it was Olavarria’s turn. A blood drive was held in the Rivadavia hall of the city, event that was led by Dr. Laura Cardozo, Director of Hemotherpy in ten cities, and accompanied by the nurses from the City Hospital “Dr. Hector Cura”, where the collected 98 units of blood.

Similarly, on June 15, 16 and 17 in San Salvador, Jujuy, a public campaign was held in the Peatonal Belgrano of this city, with the collaboration of CRH, reaching a total of 286 donors. The campaign was extended until the end of the month, reaching 348 more donors, who arrived to the installations of the hospital.


On June 18, 19 and 20, the marathon presented itself in the city of Salta, on the “Plaza Publica 9 de Julio”, where 250 donors joined the campaign giving solidarity to others. Later, ion June 24 in the Central blood Bank of Cordoba, the collection was in charge of Dr. Patricia Ferrero, Chief of the Departamento del Sistema Provincial de Sangre, Ministerio de Salud of the province de Cordoba which it reached a total of 45 donors of blood.

On June 25, in the “Hemocentro Municipal” in charge of Dr. Ronaldo Walter Moyano, sub director of the mentioned and volunteer of the foundation of the Blood Bank, 65 donors were at the disposition of the human family; similarly, for the same day 25 and 26, in the Fundacion Banco de Sangre in charge of Dr. Luis Horacio Carrizo, in Cordoba, it was reached the participation of 23 blood donors.

Tres Arroyos, also carried out marathons on June 17 and 18, with great acceptance by the citizens, covered by local media with great success. Mayor, Dr. Carlos Sanchez, manifested his gratitude to the Coordinator of the GEAP in Argentina, Guillermo Rodriguez, and the volunteers who worked in the blood donation marathons, for the achieved participation of 97 effective donors.

With a total of 135 blood pints, in Buenos Aires it was carried out a marathon with great success on June 12, in the city of Ezeiza, where local authorities were present accompanying the volunteers of the blood donation. The Secretary of Public Affairs of Ezeiza, Sr. Gustavo Granados was present and was one of the first donors of the marathon. On the same way, in Misiones there was a great flow of people on the 13 and 23, reaching a total of 96 pints. It is worth mentioning that the work carried out was coordinated with the Hemotherapy Center of the Hospital Posadas and the Escuela de Enfermería Provincial.

The work continues

The provinces of Chaco, Mendoza and Mar del Plata, prolong the work with hospitals, regional centers of hemotherapy, carrying out weekly marathons of awareness about blood donation, where volunteers of the GEAP hand out informative brochures and invite the people to be new donors, so they can participate in future marathons of the donation of this liquid so vital. In total, Argentina collected 2,807 effective blood units, thanks to the collaboration of Argentinean cities and the institutions that identified themselves with the international campaign to donate the Sap of Life and help thousands of people who need it.