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2356 Elements of News, Videos, Galleries and Speeches.

The Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) in Argentina, during the month of October held blood donation drives in the framework of the 6th. International Marathon “Life is in the Blood”,...
Argentina | access_time October 02 2015
The Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) in Argentina, participated on the 1st and 2nd of October, in the second edition of Expo Health, with an information stand where the Integral Program...
En el último ciclo del Encuentro, los jóvenes participaron activamente de las temáticas que se desarrollaron a lo largo del día. Los talleres de capacitación del ultimo día estuvieron a cargo del...
During the last section of the Encounter, youths actively participated in topics that were developed throughout the day. On that last day, Professor Osmin Rodriguez, Martin Franco and Williams...
On September 28, 2015 in Valencia, Venezuela, to the rhythm of charango, harp and flute the training workshops for 5000 youths attending the International Youth Encounter “Music Bringing Peace and...
The GEAP shared with the more than 5,000 participants from different countries of the Americas, Europe and Africa the real and effective proposal of protection and care of the...
In his mission to work for peace of the human family by promoting the formation of the integral human being, Dr. William Soto through the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP), prepared a...
In its mission to work for the peace of the human family, promoting the formation of integral human being, Dr. William Soto through the GLOBAL EMBASSY OF ACTIVISTS FOR PEACE (GEAP), prepared a new...