Hispanic American University (UHISPAM), opens the cycle of the Forum "Educating to remember - The Holocaust, Paradigm of Genocide”Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

Hispanic American University (UHISPAM), opens the cycle of the Forum "Educating to remember - The Holocaust, Paradigm of Genocide”

The Global Embassy of Activists for Peace along with the Hispanic American University, conducted the first University Forum "Educating to Remember - The Holocaust, Paradigm of Genocide" which was held in the CONAPRO building, with the presence the President of the Superior Council of Private Universities, Dr. Adam Bermudez, Honorary Consul of Israel, Arturo Vaughan, and Research Assistant for Global Jewish Studies at the Florida International University, Gerald Smith.

The Holocaust Documentary SHOÀ

The Holocaust


The Holocaust or Shoah was the systematic murder and bureaucratically organized genocide of more than 20 million people in Europe, committed by the Nazi regime and its collaborators.


 Europe - 1920

The Educational Forums about the Holocaust are presented in Pedro Juan Caballero, ParaguayGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

The Educational Forums about the Holocaust are presented in Pedro Juan Caballero, Paraguay

On September 12, 2014, the Forum "Educating to Remember" was carried out in Paraguay. The event was held at the Catholic University Campus in Pedro Juan Caballero, capital of the Amambay Department, before the massive presence of students of the institution.